Hi there again!
Well the other day the boys and I had a little afternoon tea picnic seeing as it was such a beautiful day! (unlike today which is dreary, but good for other things, like a bonfire of all our paper rubbish)
So here are a few pics from our nice time outside ..
The view is grand from our house - we are so blessed to live in such a beautiful country (and IN the country - as opposed to city!)
Our picnic - mainly healthy, banana, raisins, muesli bar and a little treat of licorice allsorts with water to drink .. (the allsorts are hidden in a cup, due to K stuffing them in his mouth in 2 seconds after he has seen them haha)
We were serenaded by the whines of this doggie (he was tied up due to his super energy, and us not wanting to get sat on/pushed over/our food eaten by him!)
The blanket got a little wet when K pushed his cup over .. in his words "oops-ay"

Dog got let off later on when the food had gone
(this is him with his usual 'throw the ball, throw the ball' face on)
I LOVE this plant (toitoi - not sure if that's how you spell it) esp against the blue sky
(and WHY has this typing become underlined again?!)

There. Picnic - check. Feeling like a good mother - check.
And to answer my question from the last blog -
YES, Jacksta and Weza, you are RIGHT!
I personally don't ever remember seeing one of these before, but it's a purple coloured cauliflower?!
From our garden no less.
We left a random plant to grow, and when it came time to dig up the garden for planting our spring crop we came upon this! And it even tasted good (as far as cauliflower goes). Can't say I'm a fan of cauliflower - I made a cheese sauce for it so it tasted okay haha :-)
Sima J

Love outside picnics! I thought it was a purple cauliflower but forgot to comment! Loving your photos.
ReplyDeleteOooo Im jealous of your view... And I thought it was mould. Hehe.