
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Book Box

A friend of mine mentioned on her FB page the other day that there were empty beer crates going for $2 at a local bottle shop. 
Of course I immediately went on Pintrest to see what cool ideas there were on there for using aforementioned goods.
I have a couple of cardboard boxes upstairs for storing the little one's books in (the main bookcase is downstairs) so they can access them easily. 
These now look ragged and ugly and I thought what better use for the beer crates than turning them into book boxes!
After sourcing them this is what I came up with:

So much prettier! I used some old tester pots for the paint - super cheap - and I left the inside plain for 2 reasons,
a) because I like the colour!
b) because I thought the paint may be a little sticky and stick to the books

Now on to making the little boy's box :-) 
As Miranda's mother would say 'such fun' (if you watch Miranda you'll get that joke! If you don't watch it .. YOU SHOULD! It's HILARIOUS!!)

Sima J

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