
Thursday, August 4, 2011

My first August post!

Wow.  I looked back and from doing 6 posts in June I've dropped to 2 in July and now it's August already .. I'd better post before September is upon us!  Maybe I'm just weaning myself off in preparation for baby number 3 due Nov?!  

Even though I have been doing lots of things I haven't really been inspired to post!
I did finish another quilt - yay me!
Here it is in it's finished glory:

I am so glad it's finished - I LOVE that feeling when you make that last stitch and see the look on the persons face when they get it (not that I've actually managed to get it to them as yet .. I have that to look forward to!)
I now have to get my A into G and get onto finishing the next quilt that I have all cut out and ready to sew up - one very similar to this one.

I haven't exactly been feeling very energetic these last few days as I've come down with a cold/flu thingee.  Every time I get sick I always feel sorry for myself and woe is me - and then I stop and think about how much better off I am than SO SO SO many people.  GOSH I live in such a blessed country!  I have access to medicine, fresh water etc. etc.  so how dare I complain!!  And there are so many people with life threatening conditions and here I am moaning about a COLD!  Suck it up (I say to myself) and be GLAD that you are ill - because it makes you realise how much you really are blessed!
Anyway enough rants and ravings - I'll leave you with some of the views I've seen lately:

Miniature train ride in The Waitakeres, Auckland for my nephew's 2nd birthday - the kids loved it - and the adults too!  See here for details - I highly recommend it!!
This was a waterfall we passed under:

 The Waitakere Dam at the top end of the journey:

 You did have to walk up a heap of steps if you wanted to get up to the top of the dam (I think it was 80 steps!) I took a photo of them because I was so proud of myself for getting up them with my preggy tum!

These photos were from a sunny day last week when my neighbour and I and our kids and the dog all made the most of the (chilly) sunny winters day at one of my fav beaches, Matapouri (I was going to get married on this beach, except the weather had other plans!).
How lucky am I that this is a 20min drive from my house!!!

 Sandy tongued dog hehe

My fantastic older son is so helpful to his younger brother *aww*

SO anyway blessings galore - I hope you can find the silver lining in your day too!

Sima J